Unlock the Magic of Lymphatic Drainage
Welcome to the world of lymphatic drainage—your body's secret weapon for maintaining your immunity, keeping fluid flowing freely and helping your skin look good! If you've never heard of the lymphatic system before, don’t worry. It’s like the unsung hero of your body, working quietly behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly. But what […]
How Did a Nun Get into Massage Therapy?
A question I’m often asked is How did you get into massage therapy? It’s not the typical role people think of for a Sister but to me it is just as much about healing as being a nurse is.  I’ve been nursing now for 25 years and throughout this time I have been fascinated how […]
How Can Carers Keep Calm and Carry On?
We are just coming to the end of Carers Week.  This is a specific week to raise awareness of the role of unpaid informal carers.  You may not see yourself as a carer- you’re a husband, wife, partner, parent, adult child, friend.  It’s just what you do. Stress and Demands of Caring I meet a […]
Stroke- Living with it and Recovering from it
Have you had a stroke? Do you care for someone who has?  This is Stroke Awareness Month so please read on. What is a stroke? You may know there are three main types of stroke: Ischaemic- where a clot cuts off blood supply to a certain part of the brain Haemorrhagic- where there is bleeding […]

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